Sunday, September 17, 2017

Unpacking II

It's slow going but we're getting there. Almost have a complete kitchen set up.

Now have washer and dryer. I've washed sheets and put out on clothesline. They smell so good. However our little area has become infested with skunks. Our Great Pyrenees got sprayed and oh my goodness the horrendous smell. She wasn't too happy either for the spraying or the cleaning.

I'm still without proper glasses as they had to reorder mine. Having to use old ones to try and see. On top of that my legs have been giving me a lot of trouble. Using walker constantly.

Been working on some straight crocheting for dish clothes. Can't see pattern to read it. But I still play around.

Decided to keep a little kitten. 3 weeks old and I'm bottle feeding it sift food and kitten milk. She's a cutie and Pookie  my big cat says stay away from me but my dogs don't seem to mind. This one I'm calling Bryndle.

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