Monday, March 18, 2019

Sad Day

Well, our attempt at hatching chicks failed. Think the power outage did them in.

On an upbeat note my loving husband brought home 7 baby chicks to place the ones we lost.

Exhausted from the travel, warming up under the heat lamp. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Still At It

Been busy working on the third pixel quilt. I'd say I'm about a third way done.

Also, been working on my stars. There is still a lot to do. However it breaks up the monotony.

On another note, our chicks will hopefully be hatching this weekend. Hopefully I say because we had a power outage for a few hours and incubator temperatures dropped. I'll post pics if things turn out successfuly.

Just a few that are ready to put together. Still have many more to go.

Just a goofy smile.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Well, hubby bought us a used incubator so we could hatch our own chicks. So, today we put in a dozen eggs and on March 15th, hopefully they'll be hatched if we follow directions correctly.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Something Different

Wanted to work on something different when I restumbled across some embroidery a friend, Denise, had done for my kids. She had asked me to finish them into wallhangings. Well, I finally got them pieced together and just need to pick up some batting and backing material. One step closer to getting these done. Yay!
Disney Tinker Bell and friends

Trains, Planes, and Helicopters

P.S. Won't lie, these have been 3 to 4 years waiting to be completed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2 Down

Took a bit of a break to relax my fingers. They were a bit sore from all that stitching. However, I have completed the second pixel quilt and my son was happy how it turned out. He got to sleep under it last night. I know my other two are still waiting for theirs.

Monday, February 11, 2019


  I've not done anything in quite a while and I've been recovering from the flue and bronchitis.  Still not well because I've had a relapse of the bronchitis.

Lately I've wanted to do some creating again so I brought out the  yarn to crochet but had to go and put it all away again. arthritis is not only painful but debilitating as well.  I've had to invest in compression gloves and I wear them all the time so my hands don't hurt.

My next attempt at crafting I turned to painting ceramics.  Started a few items and quit due to not being able to control the brush due to the gloves.  The items are still waiting to be finished.  I have to do a little at a time without the gloves.

My next craft I turned to plastic canvas.  Haven't done it in years but I picked it up again to see if I could do it.  YAY! I can.
It is not very big but it is the first I've done so I'm Happy. It's a suncatcher and I'm going to make a bigger one next.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

1 Down

I finished the first of the four pixel quilts for my kiddos and have now started on the second one. Slowly getting them done.

At least my son can't complain about it being too short. He had to stand on a chair for me to get the picture.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Before and After

My daughter has been wanting to recover her window seat chest and turn a potting table into a stool. Today, was the day. We decided to finally tackle them. Here are some before and after pictures.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

A New Year

Busy, busy. Just some funnies.