Monday, March 18, 2019

Sad Day

Well, our attempt at hatching chicks failed. Think the power outage did them in.

On an upbeat note my loving husband brought home 7 baby chicks to place the ones we lost.

Exhausted from the travel, warming up under the heat lamp. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Still At It

Been busy working on the third pixel quilt. I'd say I'm about a third way done.

Also, been working on my stars. There is still a lot to do. However it breaks up the monotony.

On another note, our chicks will hopefully be hatching this weekend. Hopefully I say because we had a power outage for a few hours and incubator temperatures dropped. I'll post pics if things turn out successfuly.

Just a few that are ready to put together. Still have many more to go.

Just a goofy smile.