I've been overthinking the candy winter wonderland project for Sunday school. I know the other teachers are looking at creating gingerbread houses for their walls. I want something original. So, outdoor playland with penquins and snowmen. It pictures great in my mind, but something is missing... ????? Where does Jesus play in all this? We're to be teaching on Jesus is the sweetner in our life. So, while sewing I came up with an idea. Why not have penquins and other animals singing from a hymn book. Music notes floating above their heads and above that the words to the song, 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus'. Under the singers write the scripture Psalm 150:6. 'Let everything that has breath praise the Lord'.
Now, I enjoy sewing organizers for my sewing things. Anything that will keep my sewing supplies close at hand during any number of projects. I even enjoy sewing boxes, yet they take up more room. I took ideas from my chatelaine and from the pincushion thread catcher and created something that goes on my office chair. Needs a couple of things I don't have on hand at the moment, but otherwise it's completed. I kept it simple by using velcro. I know when I go to make another (I know mom, you're asking where is yours) I plan on creating a tutorial.
Just realized how well it goes with my chair color wise. I wasn't even trying, just pulled fabric from my scrap bin.
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