Thursday, November 30, 2017
Counting Down
All my own sewing and crochet has been suspended for now. Oh well, I'll get back to it one of these days.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
So Much To Do
Still working on the wall display for Sunday School. We've changed it up again and have to have it finished by Sunday morning. Got a big part of it done, now just to do all the small stuff at home to complete it. We've decided to go with a gumball machine snowglobe. Curtains, characters, and landscape need to be completed. All my personal projects are pretty much on the back burner.
So, thankful for the blue poinsettias my mom made for me. They are gorgeous!!!!
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Busy Busy Busy
Got up this morning around 6:30 after sleeping only 2 hours. Couldn't go back to sleep so I created. First I finished a sock Turkey for Lisa.
Second I did Poinsettia wreath. All decor made by me.
I'm still working on tool wreath with white poinsettias. Changing my mind on how to continue.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Needed that laugh
My daughter knows me so well...I love you. Her chair arm organizer is great for keeping things close at hand. (Yes I'm wanting mine in blue) :-P but I'll wait for the tutorial and try my hand at it.
Thank you for thinking of me though.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Frustration Relief
I've been overthinking the candy winter wonderland project for Sunday school. I know the other teachers are looking at creating gingerbread houses for their walls. I want something original. So, outdoor playland with penquins and snowmen. It pictures great in my mind, but something is missing... ????? Where does Jesus play in all this? We're to be teaching on Jesus is the sweetner in our life. So, while sewing I came up with an idea. Why not have penquins and other animals singing from a hymn book. Music notes floating above their heads and above that the words to the song, 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus'. Under the singers write the scripture Psalm 150:6. 'Let everything that has breath praise the Lord'.
Now, I enjoy sewing organizers for my sewing things. Anything that will keep my sewing supplies close at hand during any number of projects. I even enjoy sewing boxes, yet they take up more room. I took ideas from my chatelaine and from the pincushion thread catcher and created something that goes on my office chair. Needs a couple of things I don't have on hand at the moment, but otherwise it's completed. I kept it simple by using velcro. I know when I go to make another (I know mom, you're asking where is yours) I plan on creating a tutorial.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Am I Old?
My beautiful daughter who has turned 18 today (yes, they say I'm old), decided to make glow in the dark cupcakes. They look and taste great, but disappointed that they didn't want to glow. We ended up calling them slime cupcakes.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Friday, November 10, 2017
Morning ritual
Every morning my husband takes his morning pills. He keeps them in an old shoe box. You see it's a boot box and fairly large.
Our kitten Vincent likes to play in this box while hubby is taking his pills.
Today however; Vincent just got comfortable and went to sleep.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Today my boys stitched up a boot polishing bag from an old pair of BDUs. The idea came from their dad and what he had done while in the Marines.
My daughter decided to try her hand at making leaves and maple leaves on her cupcakes. She really didn't do too much practicing. Really need to enroll her in a cake decorating class. They still taste great, though.
Any time I've had to spare is going into trying to complete my quilt. I've used wool batting to keep us warm and really want it completed for my bed. The nights are getting cold. Bbbrrrrr!
Been busy
Only have one arm so hubby jumped in and loaned me his. 3 arms pretty good. Doubled snowman and worked on window clings.
Now it all has to dry.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Sweet Husband
He went out and took care of some business. He was gone so long and he went shopping bringing me back some pretties.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Details, Details
Pinterest is full of ideas and definitely enough to overwhelm. Wow, so much inspiration. Even coloring pages give me so many ideas. Then, I remember winter is a month away. I'll need to work on specific things for this year and create more for next year.
That being decided, I started on some really cute snowmen. As well as my Welcome wall hanging, just need to start stitching.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Down again
Had surgery on 18 of October and on my follow up appointment the doctor found a blood clot.
Had emergency surgery to remove clot and so now once again I can't use my left arm.
Lisa has come to watch over me today to help me out.
Thank you daughter.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Finished Projects
I finished a wallhanging and completed two rag slipcover pillowcases. I also crocheted my last mini pumpkin and stacked them up on eachother. Also been hand stitching my winter quilt. It's not coming along very fast and I've already bled on the same square 3 times. Ugh, my poor finger.
Getting busy gathering winter themed ideas next. So, many to choose from.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Another Holiday
Halloween has passed and Thanksgiving is around the corner. Then Christmas, so I'm making my own poinsettias for a wreath I have in mind.
More work ahead of me but here are two: