Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Late Start

Well, I've been busy. Lol. When am I not. The adventure for this week is getting my garden started. Today, Jake and I started our seeds. I've also been digging and turning the soil for where I plan to put my seedlings when they're ready. Oh, I'm sore and tired and there is still much work to be done.

Friday, April 6, 2018

New EPP Project

Well, now that my hexie diamond top is complete. I decided to prep for my next project. I really do like the idea of stars for my next epp. No plans to finish it this year. Drew up an idea and roughly figure I'll be needing about 180 stars. That's a lot of paper and fabric to be cutting. So, I've spent the days cutting paper diamonds and I've cut out 70 stars from all my scrap fabrics. Some shopping and swapping is in the near future if I plan to keep this scrappy. No star the same.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Finished Quilt Top

Finally all my patches are sewn together. My hexie diamond quilt top is complete. It has its many mistakes, but its ready to be sandwiched and quilted - at a later date. Need to finish up my other quilts on my frames before I can get to this one.

Have to say I learned a lot. Started this almost 13 years ago. Only worked on it when we went camping. Then its been packed away a few years. Sad thing I lost my original hexie papers, so when I went to get more they turned out 1/8 of an inch different. So this quilt is warped, but I've spent so much time on it. I needed to see it through. It definitely has a story to tell.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

First of the year

I can't believe this but it's already starting to produce. There is more but not ripe like this one. Just so excited.
 Soon we'll be having tomatoes and onions and hopefully carrots as well.