My sewing area is quite small at this time. I do dream of a room with everything in easy reach and plenty of room to move around. Dreams of an exquisite sewing room that gets my mouth to drooling. Some of the pins I've seen on Pinterest are WOW do they really work in that room or is it just for show. I'll keep dreaming till I can create my own room. For now I'll make do with my little corner of the living room.
Hence, my topic for today. Sewing helpers that can make your sewing fun and easy, no matter the space, 'cause how many of us really just work in one spot. Our sewing/craft tends to travel around with us.
The Sewing Chatelaine:
I looked at many pins on Pinterest and even found a few patterns for sale. There were different advantages to each one and I decided I'd try my hand at making my own. Not once, but twice (one was for my mom). Maybe, in the future I'll try my hand at a tutorial.
Triangular Thread Catcher:
My floor and shirt are usually covered in strings by the time I stop sewing a project. These are so simple and adorable to make and yes another Pinterest find. Here is a tutorial:
Pincushion Thread Catcher Organizer:
This one I just whipped up recently, thanks to Pinterest. I liked the idea of having certain things on hand. I also like the bigger thread catcher, because I can throw fabric scraps in it as well.It was very easy to whip up and Sew Mama Sew did a wonderful tutorial that is easy to follow. Here is her tutorial:
The Thimble Pip:
These are such fun to make and can be used for an assortment of ideas. My kids are already asking me to make them for them. :-) I plan to use mine to keep my thimble and just maybe I'll keep up with where it is. Another Pinterest find and here is the tutorial:
Hope these tutorials will help and inspire you as well. Enjoy!