Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Secret Drawers

I've decided on my colors four days ago but was undecided as to which color to make more dominate. Hmmmm

Then yesterday after talking with Lisa and telling her my problem she gave me a better idea. Sooooo as soon as I can get to my sewing table we might get these secret drawers out in the open. Ha

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Broke toe

Ouch! I was letting my dogs in the house and when turned around to come in behind them and it felt like I stomped my toe.  However, as I was coming in I couldn't put any weight on it, so I hobbled over to my chair and my toe was at a slight angle so stood to put pressure on it and my toe straightened out.  Oh how I screamed.

 This morning it is more swollen black and blue but I can use my heel to get to and from.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Happy Memorial Day

Honor to all our heroes who have fallen, who have served, and those that continue to serve. God bless you all!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Not Much

Really haven't worked on sampler. Been busy with my nose in a book. I've really been enjoying the Patchwork Mysteries series, in fact I've just started reading book 16.

Have been working on my hexies and am half way through with my basting.

I'm working on 4 different pixel blankets, each different. Finished two of the first squares and am about to start another. They each have a different colored background and I'm working them in a way that my kids won't figure out what they are. Giving myself plenty of time to complete for next year.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Yesterday May 17th

Well yesterday 39 yrs ago I had a son and his birthday is celebrated with his daughter.  My husband and I wished them both a Happy Birthday at different times. Our son is in Wisconsin, but his daughter is here in Texas.  She's no 20 years old. Isn't she a looker?

Monday, May 15, 2017

Busy, busy

Now that Mother's day is passed, I can share the projects I'd whipped up for the moms in my life. It had been a busy week, but much was accomplished.

I had with the help of a special lady in church, created hankie roses for our Church's mother's day.

Made two more of those sewing thread catcher organizers. They went over well.

Made two bigger design boards. Mine is already being put to use for some pixel quilts.

Wanted some number pins to help keep my current row in order. So, made some. Just glued on paper to my button pins and it does the job nicely. Then needed a way to keep it organized since my design wall is in the hall. Looked on Pinterest for some ideas and decided to make my own wrist pincushion. Used a jar lid so I won't go around poking my arm.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! Have a great day with family and friends.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Secret Drawers

Well here is our next block. Secret drawers. Hmmm yea it's gonna be so secret it's gonna take me awhile.  But at least this is what its suppose to look like.

Getting upset

I'm really getting upset. I use pins to keep corners together but I practice and it looks like I'm getting better but when it comes to a finished block it is always soooooo screwed up.

Arrrrgh! :'(


Gretchen Block

I'm like Lisa only my squares and triangles still DON'T match up. See my mistakes. Cutting board again.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Gretchen Block

I thought some of the other blocks were tough, I must of been kidding myself. The Gretchen block is a tough cookie. I tend to look at squares when assembling a block, but this one you need to do as triangles. First sew the strip, add the triangle ( you now have a bigger triangle ), and then sew the triangles together to form four squares. Whoo, but watch out for your center pinwheel. I did have to rip out some seams and I kept going back to my design board to help keep things in order. All in all finished, not perfect, but done. :-D

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dog Block

Made this cute block out of Half Square Triangles.

This little fellow just needs eyes and a nose.

Half Square Triangles

I've been told my triangles are not connected correctly so I'm practicing.

I only messed up a few.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

First Six of Twelve

Here are the first six completed 12½ inch blocks in the sampler my mom and I have both started. I'm finding the bright colors to be fun, I generally work in muted earth tones. These bright fabrics were too cute to pass and knew I needed to try my hand at something different.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Arrowhead block

Well I did complete my block on time even though I was almost down to the last minute, but I did get it done. Yes, actually I completed it on Monday and as I took the picture to post on here I noticed I'd made a mistake. (Of course I did) 
(1) So I took it apart and started again. 
(2) Notice the dark spot in the middle on the right side.
(3) Yep I took it apart and turned it around.

Now it's complete and I also took a picture of our first 6 blocks together. Coloring is yellowed but they are done.

Friday Funnies

For all those who feel like all they ever do is undo all their work. For my mom who is calling herself, "The Ripper".

Sewing Helpers

My sewing area is quite small at this time. I do dream of a room with everything in easy reach and plenty of room to move around. Dreams of an exquisite sewing room that gets my mouth to drooling. Some of the pins I've seen on Pinterest are WOW do they really work in that room or is it just for show. I'll keep dreaming till I can create my own room. For now I'll make do with my little corner of the living room.

Hence, my topic for today. Sewing helpers that can make your sewing fun and easy, no matter the space, 'cause how many of us really just work in one spot. Our sewing/craft tends to travel around with us.

The Sewing Chatelaine:
I looked at many pins on Pinterest and even found a few patterns for sale. There were different advantages to each one and I decided I'd try my hand at making my own. Not once, but twice (one was for my mom).  Maybe, in the future I'll try my hand at a tutorial.

Triangular Thread Catcher:
My floor and shirt are usually covered in strings by the time I stop sewing a project. These are so simple and adorable to make and yes another Pinterest find. Here is a tutorial:

Pincushion Thread Catcher Organizer:
This one I just whipped up recently, thanks to Pinterest. I liked the idea of having certain things on hand. I also like the bigger thread catcher, because I can throw fabric scraps in it as well.It was very easy to whip up and Sew Mama Sew did a wonderful tutorial that is easy to follow. Here is her tutorial: http://

The Thimble Pip:
These are such fun to make and can be used for an assortment of ideas. My kids are already asking me to make them for them. :-) I plan to use mine to keep my thimble and just maybe I'll keep up with where it is. Another Pinterest find and here is the tutorial:

Hope these tutorials will help and inspire you as well. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Arrowhead Block

Here it is Thursday again and another block done. The Arrowhead block is a fun block with 9 patch corners and an interesting triangle design between. Just make sure you don't turn them the wrong way. I know I almost did turn one wrong, but caught myself. Starting to wonder if my mom is starting to rub off on me. Love ya, mums!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Been Busy

Well, finally cut out my paper hexies and my fabric. I have a good pile ready to get basted and then stitched into diamonds.

I finished another baby blanket. I just love how the colors look. Of course, my daughter is saying she wants it, but she is too big (age) to have it. Might have to go back and buy some more. Just might try making flannel blankets. Not this year- my to do pile is as long as my husband's honey to do list. Lol

Special Day Goodies

Well, my special day has come and gone. Yes, I survived another year to advance my age. Of course, sad to say I was physically under the weather as well as my family. Not much celebration, but some wonderful goodies.